Happy Thanksgivukkah

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a time to reflect, to gather with family and to eat. It also marks the first day of Hanukkah, which begins this evening at sundown. This year, like every year, we have a lot to be thankful for, including the successful end to a long surgery for a good friend yesterday, the ability to let go of certain things (I am letting my cousin bring the sweet potatoes this year; it is a big step for me), not shopping on Thanksgiving or Black Friday, and most of all, the family and friends that I may not see all the time, but I know are always available for me.

On Friday, I’ll recap the big meal, including the special Hanukkah additions, with photos, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, we are getting a cold front in Florida, and it may get down into the 50s. Stay warm wherever you may enjoy the holiday. 

Enjoy your holiday and whatever it is that you are thankful for this year.

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