Memorial Day conjures up a lot of different images for different people. For some it is the first day off since New Years. For others it is the first day of summer, pool openings and bar-b-ques. Of course, in Key West it has been summer for 3 months, and we swim all year.
Whether you are debating which wine to have with your grilled meats (I tend to go for a Zinfandel or Syrah here), or what to do for fun (pool for me this weekend), or just enjoying a day off from work, please remember all of our service members who lost their lives protecting this country. Regardless of any opinions on the wars we are currently fighting, I know I personally am praying for each soldier’s safe return home.
So, go ahead, flip the burger and grab a drink, take a dip in the pool, but take a moment to remember those that you know or don’t know, but have given their lives to protect our freedom.