While FKGuy and I, along with family and friends, are enjoying a Caribbean cruise aboard Celebrity Reflection (more on that next week), Latke the dog has sent us some correspondence, which I would like to share with you. Yes, it seems the dogs are on vacation, too.
Dear Servants,
I had to sneak over to Uncle Scot’s computer while he was taking a nap. (You know how he gets protective of apples with a bite already taken out.) I want to let you know that Babka and I are having a great time here, as always.

We have spent our days lounging in the sun, bullying Henry out of treats (well, that was Babka – you know how she can be) and enjoying the laps of my temporary servants. The rules here are different than at our house, though. I am frequently expected to pose for pictures (which I secretly love. Don’t tell them.) I get to stay up late and eat junk food, too. I think that sounds a lot like your vacation, no?
We have been enjoying long walks and trips to the park, and I have amazed everyone with my charming personality. I have impressed everyone with my ability to lick their faces incessantly. It never gets boring, and the humans seem to like it, at least at first. By the time they are sick of the face licking, I’m just getting started. I am very persistent, and they let me continue licking. YAY!
We have also been enjoying watching television. How come you never let me watch this thing called Star Wars? It is pretty cool. They also have video games, which look like fun but apparently require opposable thumbs. Bah, humbug.
I am lobbying hard for them to teach me some new tricks. Henry’s got a whole arsenal of neat tricks he can do, and I can barely shake paws with a human. (Side note: why have you been so lazy? I’m a good learner.) We will see how this goes. At any rate, even if I can’t pick up anything new, just pretending that I want to should get me some extra treats!
Uh oh. I hear that computer hoarder coming back. I better sign off now. Enjoy the rest of your trip. I know Babka and I will.
XOXO and a few extra face licks,