I hate to shop. There. I said it. I understand that there are these mythical creatures that actually enjoy it, but I can tell you one thing for sure: I am not one of them. There are so many reasons why I hate to shop, and I know I am not alone. Here are my top 7 reasons why I hate to shop. What are yours? Or, are you one of those people who actually enjoys it? Either way, let me know in the comments below.

1. Inconsistent sizing is the bane of my existence.
I worked in the apparel industry for years, and that doesn’t make it any better. While I might be a size six in one brand, in another I’d be a ten. It’s exhausting trying to keep track of these things. Plus, it is a giant pain to try to order things online when you have no idea what size will work.
2. Wasting money.
Sometimes we have shopping fails. You know the kind – when something is a great bargain, and you are sure you will find some use for a pair of sequined fuchsia hot pants, but never really do. They languish in the closet for years until you finally give them away with the tags intact. Those piss me off to no end. I am pretty sure that is why I only buy yoga pants now. That and the sizing thing.
3. It’s challenging to get help.
Need a different size? Have a question about an item? Many stores are understaffed, or full of people who hate their jobs. (I worked retail throughout high school and college; I feel their pain.) So it is often difficult to find someone who wants to help you. Unless you are in Nordstrom. They still have excellent customer service.

4. I don’t look good in jeans.
…and there are so many of them out there. Buying non-jean pants that are also not yoga pants, and are casual is a problem.
5. I will not wear things that are uncomfortable.
I’m too old for that shit. Seriously. This is why, day after day, I find myself pulling on one of my dozen pair of black Old Navy yoga pants. They are cheap, they fit, and they are comfortable. Plus, I have an inordinate number of them, so a pair is always clean.
6. It is a huge time suck.
You know I am right on this one. I would rather spend my free time playing tennis or indulging in fantastic food. I don’t want to waste my time dealing with overpriced crap sold by people who would rather be elsewhere.
7. Oh, the shoes.
I love a good pair of sandals. I will not wear closed toe shoes unless I am playing tennis or going to the gym. My shoes must be comfortable. Recently, I have had the misfortune of needing to buy a pair of dressy shoes to wear with a cocktail dress to an upcoming bar mitzvah. I ordered several pairs from Nordstrom. They were all sent back. I am not sure who wrote the reviews calling these heels comfortable, but clearly, they were high. Or sitting down.
I ordered a few pair from Zappos. They also have excellent customer service. But those shoes went back, too. Finally, I took a much-dreaded trip to DSW, where I found two options. The first one (which was, of course, the more comfortable of the two), was nixed by a sales associate who assured me that chunky heels do not go with a cocktail dress. Yes, I know, but they are actually comfortable. So I bought another pair of black strappy heels. They seemed OK. Will they work for an evening of standing, dancing and socializing? It seems likely, but in reality, I have no idea. We will see in a few weeks. I’ll let you know.
I am going to go back to my yoga pants wearing and flip-flop obsession now. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
3 thoughts on “7 Reasons Why I Hate To Shop”
Hi Stephanie, meet one mythical creature who loves shopping!! I actually many times shop without the intention of buying. I follow fashion trends as other people do analytical research. I have a larger than normal wardrobe for a retired lady, which I use regularly. I know that many times I sin for being over-dressed, but I love myself in pretty clothes. And this, I think, is what we both agree on: being happy in whatever we decide to dress with.
I never think being over-dressed is a sin! (Of course, I usually err on the side of under-dressed). I think we all should enjoy every moment, and if that is shopping in your world, ENJOY to the fullest! (And maybe you can pick me up a few things since I won’t do it myself) 🙂