Sometimes in life, you get what you pay for, and Celebrity Cruises Suite Class program is no exception. I’ve been fortunate enough to travel in Sky Suites (the entry-level suites aboard Celebrity) a couple of times. To date, we haven’t shelled out the really big bucks for a Royal Suite […]
Travel tips
The Celebrity Solstice-class ships, including the Silhouette, all have an expansive lawn club. Real grass growing on the top deck of the ship, perfect for lounging, reading, relaxing, or in our case, dining. We chose The Porch for a lovely and relaxed lunch while docked in St. Thomas.
It may seem like all we did on our vacation was eat, but that is not true. We also drank. Celebrity Silhouette offers six specialty dining venues in addition to the main dining room, Luminae (the suite class dining room), Blu (Aqua Class dining room), and the Oceanview Cafe (buffet). You […]
I’ve cruised on one other Celebrity ship with Qsine restaurant before, but never tried it because it seemed, well, kitschy. And when I dine, I prefer good food over kitsch any day of the week. My friend Nikki, however, had enjoyed Qsine twice, and she has good taste. So when […]
This is far more relaxing than preparing a meal for twenty. Last week I was aboard a beautiful ship with friends and family. Thursday was Thanksgiving. While we already celebrated with turkey and stuffing a couple of weeks ago, I am once again reminded of how great cruising […]
I don’t get seasick. Well, I never used to get seasick. Now? It has happened recently, and it will likely happen again. But I will not let seasickness keep me home, and neither should you. Seasickness, or any motion sickness, is no reason to stay on dry land. I’ve got […]
You know how I love to give you stuff, just because you swing by and read my blog? Well, here we go… The 2017 Key West Food and Wine Festival promises all sorts of great activities from wine tastings (duh) to dinners, neighborhood strolls and even a lunch on the beach, […]
A couple of weeks ago, while the dogs were taking me for a walk, my friend Fred (co-owner of The Flaming Buoy) came running out of the restaurant. He shouted from across the street “We’re having a winemaker dinner with the Edi Simcic people. Want to come?” Of course, I don’t […]
One of the most appealing reasons to go on a cruise is also one of the drawbacks. You get to see a lot of places in a short amount of time, with minimal packing and unpacking. On the other hand, you can’t see any place in depth. Or can you? […]
It is always honeymoon season. Weddings are a year-round occurrence, and honeymoons go along with them. I’ve been planning several lately: Europe trips, cruises, Hawaii and more, so I thought it was time to share with you the top tips for planning a marvelous honeymoon.