Celebrity Reflection is a gorgeous ship, and our week aboard was fantastic. You may have already read about dining in Luminae, and I will focus on the specialty restaurants in the next post, so today’s focus is all about the ship: the bars, lounges, lawn club and other public places.
I could not wait for our Celebrity Reflection Thanksgiving week cruise. And just like that, it is over. Here’s how it went: Friends gathered at our house and we made our way to the port of Miami. After the disaster that was embarkation in Vancouver, I was cautiously optimistic that […]
Once again I found myself in San Juan, with no plan except to indulge in a giant plate of mofongo. The quintessential Puerto Rican dish is made from frying green plantains, then mashing them and frying them again. It is all topped with either chicken, steak, fish or, in the case […]
Three years ago, while aboard the Seabourn Quest, we stopped in St. John, in the U.S. Virgin Islands. With no agenda, we set off on a hiking trail that promised good views, Honeymoon Beach, and possibly some donkeys. What could be better? As it turns out, nothing. (Alas, we only […]
Happy Thanksgiving to all. This year, I am thankful to be spending the holidays aboard a cruise ship with family and friends. I am thankful for the wonderful holiday meals, wine dinners, random Tuesday nights and other times I have been able to spend time with family and friends. While […]
While FKGuy and I, along with family and friends, are enjoying a Caribbean cruise aboard Celebrity Reflection (more on that next week), Latke the dog has sent us some correspondence, which I would like to share with you. Yes, it seems the dogs are on vacation, too.
What is it about certain holidays that makes you crazy? Is it the turkey you can barely lift? Lip-puckering cranberry sauce? The expectation that everything needs to be Martha Stewart perfect? Perhaps the pressure that this is your one-turkey-a-year chance to prove to family and friends that you are, indeed, […]
I never really “got” stone crabs. They look nice, with their orange claws and ink-black tips, but eating them never appealed to me. The shells are hard, and unless cracked properly, are difficult to eat. Plus, there are those bits of shell that get in the way of everything. They […]
Last week I had the opportunity to tour the Royal Princess when she was docked in Fort Lauderdale, and I was impressed. Although it is possible that the Best. Thing. Ever. about Princess is the ability to have Fettuccine Alfredo, in a Parmesan crisp bowl, at every meal, there are […]
Friends emailed us last week to see if we were available for a wine dinner on Monday night. Knowing we would be driving from Key West to the mainland, being exhausted by dinner time was a certainty. Yet the lure of seeing good friends was too great, so we agreed […]