A couple of months ago, my mother-in-law sent me the spiralizer attachment for my KitchenAid mixer, with the promise that it would change my life. It has taken me a while to try it out, but now that I have, I promise you this: there is no going back., because curly […]
Last week I spent most of the week at TBEX, a conference for travel bloggers. While there I met many fabulous people, exchanged business cards, talked about Twitter and Instagram. Above all, I made some new friends. When I saw this tweet pop up, I was amused: “@FloridaKeysGirl This may […]
Some say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I disagree, but that is a topic for another day. If breakfast is so important, brunch is certainly the most momentous meal of the week, right? I think so. I am not alone in this, either. There is a reason […]
You know how I love to give you stuff, just because you swing by and read my blog? Well, it’s that time of year again! The 2016 Key West Food and Wine Festival promises all sorts of fun, with dinners, brunches, bourbon, seminars and exclusive events. The 2016 Key West […]
When I was in high school, my friends and I would take turns walking on each other’s backs. The pressure felt good, even with our perfectly healthy spines. Little did I know then that it would become a thing. Enter Ashiatsu Deep Tissue massage.
Several years ago, friends of ours encouraged us to get a dog. (“Sure, we’ll watch her when you go away!” or “No, house training isn’t hard!“) Enter Babka. We are fortunate to have several friends that will watch her (and were okay with a second dog, too) when we go away. […]
Let me be perfectly clear: while I understand what I should and shouldn’t eat, it doesn’t always go as planned. However, when I have time to prepare a meal, it is usually pretty darn healthy. This chili is no exception. I have made it several times, had great results and been […]
The weekend wedding got me thinking, about how much I love a good wedding and how when we got married it never occurred to any of our friends to have a destination wedding. Detroit in January certainly does not count. Although we traveled for many a ceremony, they were all […]
Over the weekend, we had the pleasure of hosting a wedding ceremony in our backyard. The reception was held down the street at The Flaming Buoy. It was a beautiful weekend. Well, not exactly. It was pouring all day Friday, and the forecast for Saturday – when over 40 people […]
While you often see pictures of complicated, precious desserts that have taken me all day to make, or beautiful, individually portioned appetizers, most of the time I make uncomplicated meals. During the week, when we spend long hours working, I am not interested in making a masterpiece, rather making an […]