- Image by dongato via Flickr
When I decided that moving to Key West, even part time, was a good idea, it was largely for the feeling of the island. I can walk everywhere. People are nice. There is a lot to do. Never once did the “lots to do” part feature running, and certainly not racing. Now, over a year later, training for a half marathon, I find that there are more races than a person could possibly want to do. Unless you are completely insane, which I am not. Yet.Last weekend was the Hog’s Breath Hog Trot 5K. When I explained to FKGuy that he would, in fact, be doing the Run, Run Rudolph 5K in 2 weeks to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, he was only slightly displeased and wondered, aloud, if I would force him to do every race with me now. The answer is no, I will not. Only the 5Ks. Since he can run an 8:45 mile, I don’t see how half an hour out of the day is so tragic.
If you are a little bit crazy, like me, or are being forced, blackmailed or bribed into doing some races, here are a few upcoming ones:
- 1st Annual Key West Triathlon on Dec. 5. I’m pretty sure it is too late to sign up for this one. I know people think I am a little sick for committing to a half marathon, and proclaiming, in writing, that I want to do a full marathon next year, but the whole Swim-Bike-Run thing seems a bit excessive to me.
- Run, Run, Rudolph 5K on Dec. 11. It benefits the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. You can walk, run and do either one dressed in costume. You could be racing to the finish line behind Santa, you just never know.
- No Name Race 5K on Jan. 15. I know nothing about this one, but hey, it is only 3.1 miles and right between the 2 half marathons. Sign me up (and FKGuy, too!)
- Key West Half Marathon on Jan. 23. I’ve already trained for the Disney race on January 8, so why not do this one, too? I’ve been training for three months in Key West, so I know the course. After the 5K the week before I will be all warmed up and ready to go. As an added bonus, this is the week before the Key West Food and Wine Festival, so I can assure you that after this race there will be nothing but eating, drinking and trying to feel my legs again for a couple of weeks. At least I will get a little bit of exercise, as I will have to walk the mile long wine tasting, Duval Uncorked.

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