Key West Food and Wine Festival: Grand Tasting

After a lovely stroll through the Truman Annex, we arrived at Truman’s Little White House to be greeted by Bess and Harry look-a-likes. I found them to be a little creepy, but it was a nice touch. The lawn was covered in a big tent and winery people and distributors alike were spread out at tables lining the perimeter. There are so many reasons this was a great event:First of all, it was not crowded. I could have conversations with my new friends from the previous night, or distributors pouring the wines. I am notoriously bad at waiting in lines, and here there was no need.

Second of all, there was food, and it was good. There was a large table in the middle of the tent with a huge cheese display as well as bread and other accoutrments. Additionally, there were plenty of passed hors d’oerves.

Third, and this a big one, the wine was good. Now, certainly in a room with

hundreds of wines nobody will like them all. But here there were a good number that I had to “taste” a second time. That says something. (It says I will be back next year, is what it says.)

You know what else nobody ever talks about, but is truly important to a successful event? Bathrooms. Here, there were a maximum of 2 or 3 people in line at any given time. Not too bad, considering everyone was drinking.

Overall, it was a great event. It certainly did not hurt that the weather was perfect. The South Beach Wine Festival people could learn a thing or two here.

Were you there? What did you think?

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