The food truck scene in Key West has recently gained some steam, despite city efforts to make things more difficult. The city loves coming up with new regulations, and often can’t decide who should have to abide by these new rules. Shockingly, they haven’t driven everyone out of business. Hey, even […]
key west
You know how I love to give you stuff, just because you swing by and read my blog? Well, it’s that time of year again! The 2015 Key West Food and Wine Festival promises to be better than ever, with a whole bunch of dinners, brunches, seminars and exclusive events. […]
It is October. Hard to believe, but it’s a fact. That means a few things in Key West: It still feels like summer, only a more tolerable version; snowbirds start to flock back south this month; and, of course, it is nearly time for Fantasy Fest.
After all the careful planning, invitations, prep work and factoring in everyone’s dietary needs, even the best laid plans can go off the rails. The key, however, is to go with the flow. That is it. Don’t panic. Ever. Not even when your friend reaches across the table and breaks […]
We really should have installed a revolving door at the entrance to our house. We are in the midst of six weekends in a row of house guests (not to mention two of the three previous weekends, and one of the two following.) With no exception, everyone that comes to […]
There is a lot to be said for a midday party. I can still get to bed at a normal time; cleanup can be done earlier; it can almost always be served as a buffet; everybody loves brunch food; and a Bloody Mary bar is pretty easy to pull off. All […]
Downstairs in the La Concha hotel, facing Duval Street, sits Wine-O, a new wine bar/retail shop. I was invited to check it out, and since I never turn down wine, off we went. I am always eager to check out new places, especially if there is food and wine involved.
Somehow, we had never made it to Sunday Brunch at The Westin before this past weekend. How is that possible? I have no idea. I am, generally, a creature of habit and have had many brunches of late at Hot Tin Roof, 2 Cents, Azur and Blackfin. But we needed […]
As I am driving a load of stuff from IKEA, Costco and Target down to Key West (and vacillate between thinking our lack of shopping is charming or downright absurd), I am once again reminded of how much moving sucks. It just does. Of course, moving into a house you […]
There are many people (like my mother) who routinely say things like “Ugh. I can’t believe how often you drive between the mainland and Key West. How can you stand it? Isn’t it boring?” I normally shrug off such comments and go about my business. The truth is, it is […]