Oh, the joys of getting older and developing new food sensitivities (and poorer eyesight, but that is a different post). After reacting poorly (I won’t bore you with the gastrointestinal details) to several foods, but not knowing exactly which foods, my doctor has suggested an elimination diet. It sounded like […]
General craziness
I’ve enjoyed lunch in the outdoor garden on Caroline Street at Pepe’s for years. Others have been patronizing Pepe’s much longer, as it has been around since 1909. Now that summer specials are in full force, we were inspired to check out the dinner offerings. Even at full price, we’ll […]
I’ve been friends with two women since we all had frizzy hair and no boobs. If you are keeping score, that would add up to thirty-one years. So, pretty much forever. When one person needs advice, she can turn to either of the others, and we all frequently do. Last […]
The last day of a cruise is anxiety-filled: back to work, getting home and the stark reality of having to fend for yourself again. On our recent transatlantic cruise, however, that was not the case. We had been aboard for sixteen days and still had one night to go before […]
On the corner of Whitehead and Petronia Streets sat the empty Bahama Village Market for years. It was a sad sight, to be sure. Now it has been transformed into a brightly colored, music-filled outdoor dining venue, complete with a fully loaded Bloody Mary Bar. The new incarnation is Blue […]
My friend Mark’s favorite restaurant in Islamorada is Chef Michael’s. The fresh fish and attentive service make him go back again and again. One of these days, I will get there. Until then, I have a hogfish recipe from Chef Michael Ledwith, the namesake and owner of Chef Michael’s […]
I am in a constant struggle to buy new and exciting gifts for friends and family (especially the friends that watch Babka and Latke, so that we can travel). Having been on close to a zillion cruises to the Caribbean (only a slight exaggeration), I can tell you that buying […]
At the southern tip of Spain lies the tiny peninsula of Gibraltar, that is actually a British territory. They drive on the right side of the street, speak several different languages and have an airport that is crossed by a heavily trafficked street. It’s an oddly charming place.
To most people, May means Mother’s Day, Memorial day (the first day off since February! Woohoo!) and the beginning of summer weather. In Key West, however, it means something entirely different: the snowbirds begin their trek back up north, and the Key West Songwriter’s Festival comes to town. Oh, and the […]
A friend of mine pole vaulted in high school and has recently started competing again. This sport has taken him to competitions and meets all over the place, most recently in South Florida. I went to watch, and possibly learn a thing or two about the pole vault.