Limited vacation time is a big, fat negative of Corporate America. However, many people get paid time off and don’t use it, and to me that is an egregious sin. Put your limited time to good use, people! And here are a few tricks to help you do just that, […]
Lifestyle Tips
After 10 days of the “detox” plan, I can honestly say this: I made it through five of them. By the end of day 5, I was exhausted, cranky and just wanted to sleep. Keep in mind I was eating real food, but no caffeine or alcohol (or cheese, or […]
I have had limited success with the whole detox situation. My body functions much better with a little caffeine and wine in it. But, I’ve been good food wise, and I have cooked a lot. Fish and broccoli or grilled chicken over salad gets pretty boring after a while, so […]
To cleanse or not. How about a detox? Maybe a fast? I don’t know about you, but I am confused by all of the different terms, plans and approaches to what is basically the same intention: lose weight and (blah, blah, blah) get rid of toxins.
I love a bargain. Who doesn’t? Key West is home to many fantastic happy hour deals, and Martin’s is a standout. The thing about happy hour is that it is often hard to get to. Between working, dog walking, and other commitments, late afternoon is not usually when we are […]
I have gone from skeeved out by animal poop and ambivalent about dogs to obsessed lunatic in 4 years. No, wait. It only took about a month after adopting Babka to be in that camp. I’ve had nearly four years to hone my skill, and I am here to beg […]
The other night we were having dinner at the home of some friends (yes, another fabulous meal cooked by someone else), when the subject of movies came up. I can’t remember the exact context, but I was truly shocked to hear that not one of the three other people in […]
Sometimes we take for granted that our friends are always available for us. Sometimes we take for granted the nice things they do. This week, I was enjoying every second of it.
Three years ago, on our first July 4th with Babka, we left her safely at home with some treats and the TV on while we went out to dinner and to see the fireworks. We went out. We came home. Babka was happy to see us, and she was not bothered […]
I will admit that I was a little hesitant to get a second dog (for about five seconds, until Latke climbed into my lap, then I was smitten.) After all, having one (high maintenance) dog is quite a bit of work, so I naturally assumed that the second one would […]