My last brunch post left a lot of readers drooling. It was met with very good feedback, and a number of “oh my, I could never pull that off…” comments. I am here to tell you that you can, and it is pretty easy. Here are my top 5 tips to […]
Lifestyle Tips
There is a lot to be said for a midday party. I can still get to bed at a normal time; cleanup can be done earlier; it can almost always be served as a buffet; everybody loves brunch food; and a Bloody Mary bar is pretty easy to pull off. All […]
I admit it. I was destined to be a foodie. I have always loved to eat, though as a child I didn’t eat nearly enough to satisfy my parents. As an adult, I don’t have that problem. I eat plenty. But just because I didn’t eat a lot, I was […]
Your guests have arrived, have eaten and drank and hopefully it has been a good time. If not, you need more interesting friends, but that is a topic for another day. Once you have finished dinner, you probably want to do some sort of dessert. Not only is it the […]
What is better than wine? Wine that arrives on your doorstep. The folks at Kendall-Jackson sent me a bottle of each of the wines from their new line, Avant. There are a few cool things about this new line. One thing that struck me is that all Avant wines are bottled […]
By now the super successful dinner party is in full force. Appetizers, welcome drinks, and dinner. But what to drink? I generally serve water and wine. Simple enough, right? Seriously, it is not that bad, don’t worry.
By now, you have invited guests and planned out a welcome drink (and by “planned out“, I mean “purchased a couple of bottles of bubbly.“) It seems like it is time to move on to the “dinner” part of the fabulous and successful dinner party. A few things to consider: Do you […]
As I am driving a load of stuff from IKEA, Costco and Target down to Key West (and vacillate between thinking our lack of shopping is charming or downright absurd), I am once again reminded of how much moving sucks. It just does. Of course, moving into a house you […]
This is part 2, in a multi-part series. If you missed part 1, you can find it here. By now you have figured out how many people you can seat, and therefore, how many people you can invite to your super awesome successful dinner party. You are ready to send […]
It usually works like this: I try to make plans with friends for dinner, we all look at our calendars, and dinner is scheduled for a month or two out. Well, since it is so far out, I should invite some other people, right? Might as well make it a […]