The Celebrity Solstice-class ships, including the Silhouette, all have an expansive lawn club. Real grass growing on the top deck of the ship, perfect for lounging, reading, relaxing, or in our case, dining. We chose The Porch for a lovely and relaxed lunch while docked in St. Thomas.
It may seem like all we did on our vacation was eat, but that is not true. We also drank. Celebrity Silhouette offers six specialty dining venues in addition to the main dining room, Luminae (the suite class dining room), Blu (Aqua Class dining room), and the Oceanview Cafe (buffet). You […]
I’ve cruised on one other Celebrity ship with Qsine restaurant before, but never tried it because it seemed, well, kitschy. And when I dine, I prefer good food over kitsch any day of the week. My friend Nikki, however, had enjoyed Qsine twice, and she has good taste. So when […]
This is far more relaxing than preparing a meal for twenty. Last week I was aboard a beautiful ship with friends and family. Thursday was Thanksgiving. While we already celebrated with turkey and stuffing a couple of weeks ago, I am once again reminded of how great cruising […]
I don’t get seasick. Well, I never used to get seasick. Now? It has happened recently, and it will likely happen again. But I will not let seasickness keep me home, and neither should you. Seasickness, or any motion sickness, is no reason to stay on dry land. I’ve got […]
Thanksgiving is not just a day. It is a feeling of gratitude, a moment of celebrating the good in our lives and sharing those good feelings with others. It does not matter if that happens on the fourth Thursday of November, or some other time. In this case, it happened on […]
I can’t speak for others, but I can tell you this: I have an election hangover, and I didn’t even have any wine that night. In retrospect, perhaps that was a poor choice. As the election events were unfolding, Babka started asking some questions. Here are some highlights from the […]
Souffles are those delicious, fluffy, eggy dishes that, when made properly, are the best things ever. That is not hyperbole. It is a fact. Toss in some cheese and heavy cream? OMG. The cheese souffle I ate at Le Gavroche when I was twelve years old still stands out in […]
Nothing says the morning after a big event, like a wedding or bar mitzvah, quite like a bagel brunch. It’s a great way to gather friends and family before everyone heads out of town or just back to their daily routines. But it takes a special one of these events […]
We recently met some friends for dinner, and in choosing a location it had to meet a stringent set of criteria. Somewhere between Delray Beach and Hollywood, preferably in Boca, vaguely child-friendly, good food and casual atmosphere. I also didn’t want to go someplace absurdly expensive. A search of Open […]