I have spent the better part of the last four months trying to learn from other dog owners. I knew nothing about how to walk my dog, what her body language said and more. So I read other people’s opinions, and lots of them, and try to make the best decisions for Babka’s well being. Clearly I don’t know everything, or even a lot, but I am trying to learn from others.
So the other day, when Babka and I were out for a walk, she stopped to play with an adorable little girl of about 7. Next door to the little girl lives a nine month old, thirty pound, English bulldog who is just adorable. I was talking to the owner for a few minutes while our dogs played nicely together. The owner was telling me about how she has not been able to house train her dog, so she uses wee-wee pads. For a 30 pound dog. OK, to each their own. If you can live like that, I guess that is OK.
Then she tells me how her dog is scared of everything so she can’t walk her. She never walks the dog. Ever. I was shocked. The dog came out of the house, was playful and adorable and not the least bit skittish. I was finding all of this a little appalling. I tried really hard to not express my horror. Yet I have no poker face at all, so I’m pretty sure she knew I was horrified.
I was trying to not judge. I am not in her shoes and know nothing about her life. But I do know that dogs need to be walked. Maybe not for the hours on end that Babka gets walked, but they need to walk nonetheless. So work out your own issues lady, since the dog doesn’t seem to have any, and take your dog outside. Now, feel free to judge while I wear the same thing I wore yesterday because it is at the top of the laundry pile, or because I don’t wear makeup, or because I could not care less that I drive an eight year old, never washed car. Whatever. To each their own.
3 thoughts on “Judgmental”
I found that most dog owners are clueless about dogs. But then again, I am a dog owner. Had one since the day I was born. But my mom sent us kids to dog school with the dog. the trainer trained us, the kids on how to behave with a dog. Best training I ever got (and when my mom would say sit, the dog and kids would all sit) You will find what works best for Babka and you. Most of the time it is a stressed out owner that is trying to adapt to the dog. Most dogs adapt to the human (remember you are the Alpha Dog) all dog owners mean well, but I have always had happy, friendly, well adjusted dogs and housebroken.
I am doing just fine (most of the time)! I was just really peeved by this woman with a 9 month old dog who has NEVER gone for a walk. Never. That is just wrong (in my not so humble opinion)
Don’t worry, we don’t judge you. And we know you do in fact wear makeup (every once in a while). And as far as we know, you don’t smell and your house is always clean. 🙂 xxoo