By now you must know that not only do I love food, I love to cook, bake, talk about food and most of all, eat. It is not always about the fancy things, either. Sometimes (and by “sometimes” I mean “every day”), I enjoy ice cream, which I rarely make because it is such a pain in the butt and ends up being really expensive. I once made pistachio gelato and in ingredients alone it cost me $15 and took 2 days. So I buy the grocery store stuff, typically Haagen Dazs or something similar. What is better than having a nice bowl of ice cream after dinner? Having one topped with hot fudge and whipped cream. Courtesy of my mother, I have a great and easy recipe for hot fudge. Yet, I typically only make it for company. Alas, sometimes I am just too lazy to make my own. (This is the part where most of you are saying “Make hot fudge? Are you kidding? Who does that?” while my mother is saying “It is five ingredients and takes no time. What are you complaining about?“)
I have found a solution. While shopping in Whole Foods on the mainland, I was looking for a homemade-tasting fudge sauce. Enter the King’s Cupboard Bittersweet Chocolate Sauce. In atypical Whole Foods fashion, it was not absurdly expensive, I think it was either $5.99 or $6.99 for the 10 ounce jar, but the quality ingredients are: sugar, cream, butter, unsweetened chocolate, cocoa, sea salt and vanilla. It looked remarkably like the ingredient list in my recipe, with a couple of variations. So I bought it.
As I type, I am scraping the sauce from the inside of the jar. When the spoon could not reach it all, I started to use my fingers. This is a thick, rich, chocolate-y sauce that is not too sweet. You can never have too much of it. Well, maybe you can, but certainly not if you only get one jar at a time.
Please excuse me now, as I need to go lick the chocolate off of my keyboard.