Today marks fifteen years that FKGuy and I have been married. Last year, in honor of the occasion, I wrote about things that happened in 1997. This year, I am reflecting on just how much can happen in fifteen years.
Monthly Archives: August 2012
I am cursed with having a serious case of Foot in Mouth Disease. I have spoken with my doctor and he assures me that there is nothing he can do about it. I will just have to learn to moderate myself and deal with it. Thus far, I have been […]
Well, I guess we dodged a bullet. The news would have your believe that the world was ending, when in reality, we had rain. It is what we, in Florida, call “summer”. Everyone who lives in South Florida has a few similar hurricane rules:
As part of a 3 Loud Women lunch meeting this week, we headed to Giorgio’s Bakery to get some sustenance to carry us through our meeting and subsequent conference call. I hadn’t been there in quite a while, so I was looking forward to it.
There is nothing better than free, right? Well, August 24-26, 2012 you can enjoy a whole bunch of local museums for one low price of zero. Yes, that means they are all FREE. This event was so popular last year that the nice folks at WLRN Public Radio and the Monroe […]
I have wanted to try paddle boarding for a while now, and got the chance this past weekend. If you are a regular reader, you already know that pretty much nothing athletic comes easily or naturally to me. But I try, usually with mixed results.
I thought I would have a lot to say three weeks after my gall bladder removal. As it turns out, I don’t. I went to the doctor for my follow up appointment yesterday (he has been on vacation since my surgery) and the conversation went like this:
I recently posted about the fact that we rarely get invited to children’s birthday parties, and subsequently got an invitation that landed us right in the middle of things at Chuck E. Cheese. Well, this weekend we were at the mother of all birthday parties: The Bar Mitzvah.
When you make dinner plans with someone and you tell them “just pick wherever you want to go and let me know…” you can’t then decide you don’t want to go wherever they picked. So we found ourselves at Abbondanza. Since our last experience there was less than stellar, we […]
You may remember the saga of Monday and the broken down car. (If not, just click the link for the whole back story). I have spent way too much time dealing with getting this car fixed, but alas, today, it seems to be cured of it’s ailments.