Last weekend our friends wanted to get together to eat some yummy food and drink good wine. How could I say no to that? We had friends in town, so we were a party of six at Azur. It was a sure bet that the food and wine would be good, but en rout to the restaurant, we got caught in a downpour. We quickly took cover under the awning of the St. Mary’s rectory and called a taxi for the remainder of the ten minute walk.
One there, and mostly dry, we were seated outside (covered, fortunately), and moved on to enjoying dinner. Between the six of us, we had brought five and a half bottles of wine, and started with a 2014 Shane Grenache Blanc, Camp 4 Vineyard. (It was a recent addition, and I wanted to try it.) Also in the wine lineup: 1997 Edgewood Cabernet Sauvignon, 2005 Perrin & Fils Chateaneuf-du-Pape, 2003 Whitehall Lane Cabernet Sauvingon Reserve, 2003 Don Melchor and a half bottle of a 1990 Reisling. All were very, very good, and I even enjoyed the Don Melchor, which was free of the eucalyptus flavors I have found in previous tastings. I should mention that we did decant the Edgewood, so there were many bottles and a huge decanter on the table at one point.
We ordered a bunch of appetizers, and settled in for a great time. Midway through our entrees, and over halfway

through the red wines, it started to actually rain. As I was getting damp, I thought it prudent to go inside for a few. Three others joined me, as we hovered near the only empty table. After a couple of minutes the rain subsided and we went back outside to rejoin our friends. We picked up our glasses, FKGuy picked up the decanter and we went back to our table. Only we had finished the 1997 Edgewood already, and this decanter was full. It looked the same as the one that was previously on our table, only it was not, in fact, ours.
Rob came marching out after us to retrieve the decanter full of wine, alternating between being horrified and laughing at us the entire time. Just out of curiosity, I asked what was in the decanter. The answer? Vega Sicilia Pintia. I do not remember the vintage, but it did occur to me that if there are other people bringing this type of delicious wine out with them, and having it decanted before their arrival, I needed to meet them. So I did.
The lovely couple graciously offered me a glass, which of course I accepted. We had a lengthy conversation, and they seemed like very nice people. Then we went on our merry way. I knew it would not be the last we would see of them.
The next day, we had brunch at Square One. Over a deliciously crafted cocktail, I was telling our friends the tale of the evening before, including nearly drinking someone else’s wine, and the graciousness of the other couple involved. As I finish the story, some people come by the table to say hello. Who was it? Yup, you guessed it. The couple that brought the Pintia the night before, agreeing that clearly, I know all the best places to eat.
2 thoughts on “Drinking Someone Else’s Wine”
Or in other words, Florida Keys Guy is an idiot.
It was a hilarious error!