Today is National Dog Day. No, I don’t know what that means either. Every day is Dog Day in my house. In honor of this dubious “holiday” I have agreed to let Latke take over the reigns and be the guest blogger today. So here you go…

Hello, world. I am not sure if the Lady Servant has properly introduced me yet. You know, I don’t read so well, so I usually just skim over her blog posts. My name is Latke and I am a year and a half old. It is hard to believe, but I have been with the Servants for over a year now and life is going along just fine for me and my older sister, Babka.
The Servants are really good to us in a lot of ways, and this past week was no different. They were making plans with all of their friends, and the humans included us in all of them. Babka and I got to have dinner dates with three different friends this week.

Fridays are kind of challenging since we get up so early and often drive from the mainland. Well, I sleep, Babka climbs on top of me and then falls asleep and the Servants drive. As it should be… This week we were up for some fun. The Servants took us over to see our friend Bella. She is a puggle (which I think means she is a mutt, like me!) and she is a lot of fun. She is usually super calm and quiet, but I was running around like crazy and I made her howl with laughter. It’s funny, those Beagle-types. They howl when they mean to laugh. (I think they also howl when they mean to cry, but I have seen no evidence of this from Bella.)
Another highlight was when Bella and I were chasing each other around the house, Babka thought nobody was looking and swiped a huge hunk of cheese right off the coffee table. Well, that maneuver got us all in a bit of trouble. No more cheese for us, and a lot of suspicious humans. Boo!

On Sunday night, our friend Enzo came over with his people. Enzo just lost his brother, so he is awfully sad these days. I danced a lot, and let him play with my toys, so that made him a bit happier. He left after dinner with a huge smile on his face, which I can only assume came from spending time with me. (He is pretty good company, too.) Enzo’s Servants love us, too, and are so happy that I am around (Babka, too.)
By this time I was exhausted. Really, what’s a girl got to do to get some rest? It was as if I had said that out loud. Just then, the Lady Servant told me that my friend Maggie was coming over for dinner. Maggie is an English Bulldog and although she is a whole lot older than me, she is a lot of fun to be around. She also has excellent Servants that take good care of us when our Servants go out of town. Maggie’s Man Servant once gave Babka a little snackie from the dinner table, so now we all harass him for snacks when he is over. I have only heard the lore, I did not see it in action, as this was well before I was born. But I believe it, he is a sucker for a cute face.
I don’ know how these humans operate with such a busy social calendar. I am tired, badly in need of a nap and a treat, and ready for a couple of days of snuggling in a lap.
(By the way, this was really fun to do. I hope the Lady Servant lets me write more guest posts. If you enjoyed this please leave a comment below and let her know. Then I will gladly share more of my adventures with you.)