Going out on a boat is really one of the great joys of being in the Florida Keys. Sadly for me, I don’t own a boat, so either I need to (a) go on some sort of party boat, (b) charter a boat or (c) find a friend with a […]
General craziness
Yes, we are back to Fantasy Fest here, but no, this is not about what you think it is about. I promise. There I was, decked out like a bad 80’s rocker, complete with pink hair, on my way to meet some friends for the Masquerade March. This is the […]
Fantasy Fest seems to inspire all kinds – truly creative costumes, amazing body painting and, for some people, nudity for the sake of nudity. The parade is a huge array of floats with thousands of spectators. All in all, a good time. Here you will find some photos of the […]
Every year on the Friday of Fantasy Fest, locals and some non-locals gather at the cemetery, in costume, and parade around the city. The group, several thousand strong, split in 2 groupsĀ and go in different directions, stopping at guesthouses along the route for (much needed in the heat) drinks. Most […]
So, there I was, driving south on the Overseas Highway, from Fort Lauderdale to Key West. Somewhere around mile marker 94, I decide to pull into a gas station, use the bathroom and get a beverage. I stroll into the mini mart and find my way to the bathroom, which […]
I am a wine geek. Some would call me a wine snob (they would be wrong), or picky (they would be right). Nonetheless, I am a geek. I have internet wine friends. I travel across the country for the sole purpose of drinking wine with people I have never met, […]
So, as I am trying to set up my new apartment, I am going through all of the usual stuff that people have to do when they move: get electric, water, cable, gas, blah, blah blah. Well, I actually forgot to get the gas turned on. So, I call the […]