There’s nothing quite like waking up on a Sunday morning refreshed and ready for the day. Well, that, and having to fill in pieces of the night before for your friend who may have slept through the 80’s dance party in the living room. Admittedly, it is usually me that […]
General craziness
Every once in a while, some annoying things get me to the point that I must get it off my chest. Now. Speaking of chests, one of the most irritating things of the last week is Serena Williams’ nipples. No, I have no issue with her nipples, nor the fact […]
“But I can book online myself!” If I had a dollar for every time I heard that one… So in the age of instant gratification bookings (and sometimes immediate buyers remorse), information overload, and easy access, why should you use a travel agent? All those reasons and more.
The time has come to end a long-standing relationship. It has had its ups and downs, certainly, but in this case, the highs are not a good thing. The last straw came when I was out to dinner with friends, and the following sentence came out of my mouth […]
Several months ago, on a whim, I sous vide some duck legs for my friends. They were outstanding, and I ordered more. My plan was to make duck legs over the 4th of July weekend. There was only one problem: I had six legs and seven dinner guests. I enlisted […]
Coming up soon is Latke’s least favorite day of the year: the 4th of July. While we celebrate our independence, she shakes with fear wondering how in the hell freedom can be so loud. Latke chimed in with some advice for you, and your pets, to ensure a safe, and […]
When is the best time to take a cruise vacation? Any time! If you plan properly, any time of year can be a great time somewhere in the world, if you know a few secrets. THE CARIBBEAN Most of my clients in Florida like to cruise the Caribbean because it […]
A giant building, right on the water (hence the very creative name) houses Key West’s newest brewery. The Waterfront Brewery has been a long time in the planning stages, and though it has been open for a while now, the rooftop restaurant and music venue is still in the works.
This week I’ve had several complaints about Babka the Dog’s lack of blogging these days. Well, I let her know that she was disappointing her fans, and she agreed to relay a story to you. You asked for it. Humans are awfully demanding. I mean, I was perfectly happy sitting […]
It’s summer. Each step into the sweltering heat reminds us that (a) it is time to seek air conditioning as often as possible and (b) summer dining specials are ramping up. Part b is the more interesting one to me. I will update you as the summer goes on, but […]