I cook a lot. I enjoy it (usually), and I know I will eat better, healthier and less expensive (often) by cooking at home. But it is not always easy, and I will admit, there are times when I am not motivated. (Too busy! Tired! Don’t feel like it!) But by […]
Lifestyle Tips
I try out new recipes when we are having company. Usually it is a dessert, and I almost never make a trial batch because, really, who needs to eat that much dessert? (Raises hand.) I know how to cook and follow directions, and I have figured out which chefs I […]
Clearly I am no online dating expert. FKGuy and I met as counselors at summer camp before our senior year of college. That last year consisted of long distance phone calls (with actual, corded telephones that were attached to a wall), and a lot of traveling. There was no internet. […]
It’s 2016. A new year, new resolutions, right? No. Goals, yes. Resolutions, not so much. Now that the holidays are in our rear view mirror, and the moments of cheese souffles (of course I made them) and tipsy chocolate cherry cake are behind us, it is time to hunker down. […]
The past several months have brought us both human and canine house guests. Sometimes the dogs come with their human servants, and sometimes by themselves. I’ve realized that the same basic rules apply to either the four-legged, or two-legged guest. Babka and Latke have been urging me to write this […]
Hanukkah is now over, and it was a delightful holiday. We started the week by celebrating the first-ever city sponsored menorah in Bayview Park, with many other members of the Jewish Community, and quite a few city officials. Babka and Latke even came to join the fun. This past weekend […]
What is it about certain holidays that makes you crazy? Is it the turkey you can barely lift? Lip-puckering cranberry sauce? The expectation that everything needs to be Martha Stewart perfect? Perhaps the pressure that this is your one-turkey-a-year chance to prove to family and friends that you are, indeed, […]
Some say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I disagree, but that is a topic for another day. If breakfast is so important, brunch is certainly the most momentous meal of the week, right? I think so. I am not alone in this, either. There is a reason […]
The weekend wedding got me thinking, about how much I love a good wedding and how when we got married it never occurred to any of our friends to have a destination wedding. Detroit in January certainly does not count. Although we traveled for many a ceremony, they were all […]
I’ve been pretty good. I have managed to keep off about twenty pounds, and FKGuy, who has far more willpower that I do, has lost about thirty-five pounds. I am now at a point where I need to hunker down and lose the last 8 – 10 pounds already. As […]