My dogs don’t smell. Well, they do on occasion, and when that happens they get bathed. (It is, of course, in their best interest to smell good all the time as both Babka and Latke hate the bath.) So, when I first heard of the Pet House Candle from One […]
Lifestyle Tips
I have had a number of clients in the past couple of weeks that all want to travel around Christmas and New Years. It is the single most expensive time of year to travel (Thanksgiving is pretty bad, too, but it is a much shorter time frame). Children are out of […]
A friend’s status update on Facebook has sparked this post. Well, not so much the update, as one of the comments “Hostess gift? Is this 1953?” I am here to tell you that there a few very acceptable times when you do not need to bring a gift with you when […]
A couple of months ago I wrote about our decision to adopt another dog. (By “decision” of course I mean “saw her adorable photo and never looked back“) We had been wondering if two dogs are better than one, and I can say, at least in this instance, yes. If you […]
They came. They ate. We celebrated the new year. Rosh Hashana has come and gone, and all that is left is a food coma. Yes, five days later. As promised, here are some photos. No, I didn’t save you any.
What? Wait, a minute. Isn’t it only September? Yes, it is. And that means, while it is not quite Christmas yet, the Jewish Holidays are fast approaching. The holidays are, in a way, the ultimate dinner party. Everyone has their holiday favorites, there are traditions to be upheld and expectations […]
After all the careful planning, invitations, prep work and factoring in everyone’s dietary needs, even the best laid plans can go off the rails. The key, however, is to go with the flow. That is it. Don’t panic. Ever. Not even when your friend reaches across the table and breaks […]
A couple of weeks ago, we were invited to go out on our friend’s boat. Having been on the wrong end of a sunburn before, I was dressed in a hat, long sleeve shirt and a skirt over my swim suit. I did not want to get burned.
Several months ago, I had a conversation with my mother-in-law about social eating, getting older, and how more elderly people benefit from eating with friends. (The actual conversation was a bit longer than that…) It made me realize how much more I eat when I am with friends, which is most […]
We really should have installed a revolving door at the entrance to our house. We are in the midst of six weekends in a row of house guests (not to mention two of the three previous weekends, and one of the two following.) With no exception, everyone that comes to […]