Getting from Key West to Vancouver is no easy feat. Yes, we could have flown from Miami or Fort Lauderdale with only one connection, but instead we flew from Key West to Atlanta, Atlanta to Salt Lake City and Salt Lake City to Vancouver. (I should note that one of […]
Travel tips
Next week we will be on an Alaskan cruise aboard the Celebrity Solstice and we will end our cruise in Seattle. I thought I’d share the story of the first time I was in Seattle. FKGuy and I recently had brunch with strangers, and while I was sure that was […]
Is it worthwhile to spend upwards of $50/day per person on cruise line drink packages? As my father likes to say, “it depends.” Each line has their own pricing and rules as to what is included in the packages. I’ve pulled together a brief overview to help navigate the murky waters. […]
Have you ever gone to the airport and wondered why people get special treatment and get to go through (usually) shorter, TSA Pre-Check lines? Or have you seen someone zoom around a snaking line of people waiting for customs, only to exit within seconds? Well, you can be that person. Here […]
I live in an environment where fishing tournaments happen all the time, yet I seem to have known nothing about them, until recently. Last week, FKGuy and I went to the kickoff party for the sailfish tournament, Quest for the Crest. In addition to the impressive array of seafood, it was also […]
This year marks the first that we were able to go to the annual Taste of Key West, held every April at the Truman Waterfront. Taste of Key West is a benefit to raise money for AIDS Help, and is a food and wine fair. Admission is free, but in […]
A couple of weeks ago, I got an email saying “I know you have written blog posts about packing tips, but I can’t find them. Can you please send the links to me?” I did, and as I was perusing the posts, I realized that some things have changed in […]
There are a bazillion bars in Key West already, so what is so special about a new one? Well, LIQUID, the pool bar at the Ocean Key Resort has just been relaunched, and it is very, very cool. The catch? you have to be staying at the resort to enjoy […]
Smuggler’s Cove Resort, located at mile marker 85, Bayside, in Islamorada has recently undergone a major renovation to both the hotel as well as the restaurant. We were invited to check out the new menu choices, and I am glad we did, as it is my new favorite stopping point on […]
As a travel agent, I plan trips for clients all over the globe: from custom African safaris to luxury cruises to Antarctica (and everywhere else), and everywhere in between. My obsession with travel fueled my business, and this blog. I have been fortunate to travel extensively throughout my life. However, […]