The other evening, I went on a sunset sail aboard Danger Charters with a friend, as she was covering it for a new magazine. Being her “plus one” I was instructed to get contact information for everyone she had in a photo, so she could get their consent for publication.
I took my job very seriously, and annoyingly kept asking if I should get certain people’s contact information, all while making my way

around the boat. I talked to most of the other passengers. I tried, unsuccessfully, to sell my house to a lovely couple from Albany (being unsuccessful was actually a good thing at the moment). I had a few laughs with people from Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, and as far away as Holland. My friend and I spent quite a bit of time talking to one young couple on their honeymoon from Prince Edward Island. (That is in Canada, if you are keeping track, on the east coast – you know, where the mussels come from.) I shudder to think of the winters on that small island.
After the cruise, we met FKGuy for dinner at 2¢, and the honeymooners joined us. (“Could we? We don’t want to intrude…“) Please. Intrude all you want. That is how good stories happen…. when you show up where you were not supposed to be. Sometimes you just end up talking to strangers and having things in common. (Which reminds me, Friday’s post will have to be “Savannah, 2007: Dinner in the middle“. Trust me, you will love it.)
They were like our sixteen-years-ago doppelgangers (taller, thinner doppelgangers). Fresh out of law school (him) and on their honeymoon, and having a great time. We chatted about all sorts of things – from Key West to “Wait. You have been married how long? impossible!” and more. I think it was a bit funny for us to see what we must have looked like to others so long ago. We were fabulous then and are still fabulous today.
When FKGuy picked up the check, they were flabbergasted, but that is OK, it gives them a nice story for their return to PEI. I’m sure once winter rolls round, it will be a very cozy memory indeed. We wish the newlyweds all the best as they start their life together.