It is October, and besides the world being pinkwashed (yes, that’s a thing now), it is nearly time for Fantasy Fest. That week-long festival of ridiculousness in Key West. As such, I thought I would once again share with you some of my favorite rules of Fantasy Fest. Yes, […]
I’ve been pretty good. I have managed to keep off about twenty pounds, and FKGuy, who has far more willpower that I do, has lost about thirty-five pounds. I am now at a point where I need to hunker down and lose the last 8 – 10 pounds already. As […]
It is National Plan A Cruise Month. No, I did not make that up. Rather, the Cruise Lines International Association did, both to sell more cruises as well as raise awareness among non-cruisers. It is no secret that I absolutely love cruises. They are easy. Pack once, enjoy many places. […]
Continuing the theme of doing nice things for other people, I’d like to share a story about shopping in Paris, translating, and graciousness. In June, 2002, FKGuy and I traveled to France with friends. We were really excited about the trip, although less so about traveling on the heels of September 11. […]
I had this blog post started before the news tragedies of the day began to unfold. Reading about senseless murders in Oregon and in Israel add a pretty hefty exclamation point to today’s random thought. Gratitude. We need to express it more.
It’s OK. We all know. Flying sucks. But if you want to get out and actually see the world, it is a necessary evil. In my job, I am often the bearer of bad news like “the airline changed your flight. Again.” Recently, a client was asking me how to survive a […]
I am going to share a little secret with you. When I make braised lamb shanks for holidays or just for a dinner, people think I have slaved all day over these things. The truth is this: while they do cook for hours on end, it takes about 5 minutes […]
Many people are familiar with ocean cruises, conjuring images of buffets and crowds, when more often that not the reality is quite different: excellent food, service and pampering. However, most ocean cruise ships are large, carrying an average of 2,000 passengers. River cruises are a whole different ball game. Recently I have had […]
Last week, I told you about many of the Key West summer specials going on around town. I can now report on several. It started Labor Day weekend, we had friends in town and planned on dinner at Azur (even before I knew it was 50% off). Though they had […]
Another holiday in the books, and I must say I managed the food situation quite well. As with any holiday, early preparation is the key to not being frazzled at the last minute. Two months in advance, I had menus planned out (holiday meals do not change too much), and a […]