When people plan their vacations in Key West, it often involves a sunset cruise. After all, it is the postcard image of Key West, right? A beautiful sunset with a sailboat in the picture. So, last weekend, with guests in town, we took them on a sunset cruise. We chose […]
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about summer and why it rocks. This past weekend, we enjoyed dinner at Blackfin Bistro and took advantage of their 50% off all wine special. This means half off glasses or bottles of wine. Anything on the list. This is not a local’s […]
I love celebrating my birthday. Maybe it is because I was born on Christmas Eve, so people tend to forget about it (seriously, how can you forget someone’s birthday on Christmas Eve? I remember birthdays of people I only marginally know if it is on a big holiday.) Maybe it […]
We decided to give Fin another try over the weekend as (a) it was my mother’s birthday and nothing says birthday better than fancy food and (b) most recently the owners have told me that the portions have been increased and we should really try it again. So we did, […]
When we communicate with others, either in person or electronically, there are numerous opportunities for miscommunication. Sometimes it is simply a matter of a person not knowing what they want. I often have clients tell me they want to go on a fancy vacation. When I quote them a price, […]
Over the weekend we ate spectacularly well while celebrating our friend’s big five-oh. After an awesome dinner at The Flaming Buoy and killer hogfish sandwiches at Hogfish Bar and Grill, we ended up at Blue Heaven for dinner the next night. I hadn’t been there for dinner in years, and […]
Today is Florida Keys Guy’s birthday. I got him a shirt from Lululemon, which he loves, and I will be making dinner for just a few people in honor of the occasion. Birthday boy has requested one of his favorite pasta dishes, so that is what we will have. Cacio […]
Key West is a funny town. You can drink until the wee hours of the morning, but try to get a good meal late at night and you are pretty much out of luck. Let me clarify: by “decent meal” I mean one that is served (not a walk-up counter […]
I almost always miss subtlety. I often even miss hints that are not too subtle. For the second time in two weeks I found myself leaving a restaurant a little too late. Last time, it was at Il Mercato and they were cleaning the floors around us. This time it […]
We had some wine drinking friends in town, but the only day we had that we could go out and enjoy a nice meal with some good wines was last night. Why? Passover. Or as I like to call it, The almost carb-less holiday that seems to drag on forever. […]