We chose the last seating at Azur’s now-famous Bubbles and Madness brunch during the Key West Food and Wine Festival. That way, we could go straight from brunch to Duval Uncorked, which my liver did not think was such a great idea. We met friends at Azur and although the last seating was quieter than earlier ones, madness ensued.
The mad geniuses were serving prosecco, cava and a cremant (which I typically avoid, but this one was delicious), in any number of

formats: Mimosa, Bellini, Ruby Slipper (with pomegranate juice) or another version with cranberry. Once we sat down (after each having a glass), Ray brought over a bottle of each bubbly. Yes, a whole bottle. There were four of us and we’d already had a few glasses, but three bottles seemed about right. He then brought over a little pitcher of each juice so we could mix our own beverages. It was brilliant.

Starting off the meal was a yogurt panna cotta with a tiny “energy bar”. I could have eaten a whole plate of that, not just the little bite-sized starter. It even seemed healthy. (You know, until you realize what comes next, and the massive amount of bubbly being consumed). The list of main courses was impressive, and made a choice difficult. I went with the Azur Benedict: house cured salmon, atop a flatbread topped with two poached eggs, tobiko and hollandaise. So much for the healthy part… but it tasted darn good. And the salmon was an excellent pairing with the bubbly.
As I was ready to burst at the seams, a tiny, perfectly crunchy, lavender infused creme brulee appeared.

And just as quickly, disappeared.

It seemed likely that our afternoon would have to end in a nap, but we persevered and managed to meet up with some new friends to stroll down Duval Street, wine glass in hand, sipping as we went. Duval Uncorked is

a great event. Meandering along , stopping in galleries, restaurants and stores, tasting wines, ogling rugs (was that just me?), sampling some food (after that brunch, we did not sample too much), perusing Leather Masters with a sense of amusement (why is that shoe-sole paddle $230? It is the sole of a shoe with a strap attached. $230. Plus tax.) and generally having a good time.
Did you miss Uncorked this year? Not to worry, the 2014 version is already in the works. See you next year.
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