You know how I love to give you stuff, just because you swing by and read my blog? Well, it’s that time of year again! The 2015 Key West Food and Wine Festival promises to be better than ever, with a whole bunch of dinners, brunches, seminars and exclusive events. […]
Travel tips
It is that time of year again… Miami Spice has ended, and Dine Out Lauderdale has begun. With $35, three course menus, there are some good deals to be had out there. From steaks to seafood to Asian cuisine, there are over 30 choices of restaurants with Dine Out menus, […]
It is October. Hard to believe, but it’s a fact. That means a few things in Key West: It still feels like summer, only a more tolerable version; snowbirds start to flock back south this month; and, of course, it is nearly time for Fantasy Fest.
Most of the time, we plan vacations, we go, we come back and plan the next one. But every once in a while things go wrong. As a travel agent, I have seen it all, and I am here to tell you: Buy the trip insurance.
We really should have installed a revolving door at the entrance to our house. We are in the midst of six weekends in a row of house guests (not to mention two of the three previous weekends, and one of the two following.) With no exception, everyone that comes to […]
Downstairs in the La Concha hotel, facing Duval Street, sits Wine-O, a new wine bar/retail shop. I was invited to check it out, and since I never turn down wine, off we went. I am always eager to check out new places, especially if there is food and wine involved.
Sorry. Sorry for lying about the whole singing in public thing. Even sorrier for actually singing in public. I may have sounded bad, but there was a guy wearing only underwear and bunny ears that was also singing in public. It happened when friends we met on our last Seabourn […]
Beer on tap is not news, but wine? Well, that is something entirely different… South Florida’s first wine on tap can be found at Lush Bar in Key West. Not only is it cool because it is new, but wine stays fresh, and the product is environmentally friendly. I spoke […]
When friends heard we were taking a road trip, everyone was interested to hear where we were going. Once I told them, I was met with a mixture of quizzical stares, and the inevitable “Why?” or “Well, have some good BBQ!” (we didn’t) and even more “Why???” We are building […]
Each one of us is, to a degree, a creature of habit. We order the same thing again and again at our favorite restaurants, we go to the same places for gas and groceries. It is comforting. This past weekend, I realized just how much we like to keep things […]