Key West is a dog friendly kind of town. People are always out and about walking their dogs, taking them to the enormous dog park at Higg’s Beach or the dog beach. Yes, that is correct. Canines have their own beach in Key West. No, they do not get their […]
Travel tips
It is no secret that The Flaming Buoy is one of my favorite restaurants. Just the other day, as we were sitting outside eating, a friend passed by, saw us and said, “Hmmm…. every time I eat here, I always see you.” That is because we eat there all the […]
What could be better than a mile long wine tasting? A mile long wine tasting followed by an over the top wine dinner. More on the dinner on Monday. Today I will focus on Duval Uncorked, one of the main events during the annual Key West Food and Wine Festival.
The Grand tasting at the Key West food and Wine Festival is always a winner. Why? There are loads of wines and no crowds. This year’s event was held at the Key West Aquarium. There is something really cool about trying a variety of wines while sharks swim a few […]
The Key West Food and Wine Festival has become one of the most anticipated events of the year. It draws a crowd from all over the place, and for good reason: A) It is in January, in Florida; B) It’s not so overpriced and crowded, like some other festivals around […]
The Third Annual Key West Food and Wine Festival is upon us, people. It kicks off today with the Barefoot Beach party followed by neighborhood strolls. Tomorrow night is the Grand Tasting at the Key West Aquarium. Saturday brings Duval Uncorked and what should be a truly amazing wine dinner […]
Normally, I review one restaurant or meal at a time. This past weekend, however, deserves a recap of its own. Since my cousin was coming to town and we have many of the same interests, mainly revolving around eating, drinking and a love-hate relationship with running, I planned the eating […]
“It’s a great QPR” is often a term bandied about by wine geeks in search of something to have with a mid-week pizza. But I think it applies to just about everything in life. QPR stands for quality price ratio. So, let’s say you drink a crappy bottle of wine, […]
It has been a good week for ship tours. Over the weekend (which seemed very early after Jack’s birthday dinner) I had the opportunity to tour the Norwegian Dawn. NCL is known for “Freestyle” cruising, which means you can eat whenever you want and with whom you choose. There are […]
I had the opportunity to tour the MSC Poesia yesterday with a bunch of other travel agents while she was docked in Port Everglades. The cruise companies have these tours so that we can experience the ship and subsequently sell cruises. It was interesting, I’ll say that.