Any time spent on the water in the Florida Keys is a good thing, provided you have two things. Good weather and good friends. FKGuy and I came to Key West for the first time on vacation, when we lived in New York, circa 1998. During that trip, we stayed at […]
Saturday morning, around 8AM, I was in bed, trying desperately to sleep away the illness that had suddenly appeared Friday night, when I heard a bit of a commotion downstairs. I dragged myself outside only to find that a lost dog had followed FKGuy home when he was out walking […]
I love making brownies. They are easy to eat, everyone loves them and most importantly, they are easy to make! As many people have dietary restrictions, and I am trying desperately to lose those last few annoying pounds, I have come up with a recipe that is delicious, and works […]
Limited vacation time is a big, fat negative of Corporate America. However, many people get paid time off and don’t use it, and to me that is an egregious sin. Put your limited time to good use, people! And here are a few tricks to help you do just that, […]
I started today writing about the Presidential campaign and the upcoming debate. Then I realized that we would have plenty of that in the upcoming months. But today I will share a little more about myself than you wanted to know, and in return I’d like to know how you […]
Aurorae, the company behind yoga mats and yoga accessories (which I hear are great, but since I only wear the pants…) sent me one of their new microfiber beach towels to try out. They are also giving one of these fluffy towels away to a lucky reader.
After 10 days of the “detox” plan, I can honestly say this: I made it through five of them. By the end of day 5, I was exhausted, cranky and just wanted to sleep. Keep in mind I was eating real food, but no caffeine or alcohol (or cheese, or […]
I have had limited success with the whole detox situation. My body functions much better with a little caffeine and wine in it. But, I’ve been good food wise, and I have cooked a lot. Fish and broccoli or grilled chicken over salad gets pretty boring after a while, so […]
The first time I saw Rocky Horror I was about 14, and it was with a youth group. We could spend hours discussing the inappropriateness of it all, but why? Throughout high school I went to more Rocky Horror midnight showings than I can count, and along the way picked […]
Good morning! Here at the virtual home of Florida Keys Girl, we are always trying to improve. Today, it is our web hosting. In order to have a better experience, I am upgrading the hosting of the site as well as the server and a few other boring things. It […]