You didn’t think the Chicago restaurant reviews would stop at one, did you? I had to eat the next day, too. We met friends that live in Chicago for a very early post-party brunch at Meli Cafe. I was overwhelmed by the sheer size of the menu. Crepes? Sure. […]
Since we were going to Chicago for the Cellar Diminishment Party anyway, naturally I had a list of potential restaurant choices for the following night. We would only be in Chicago for two nights, so that left us with two lunches and one dinner, plus the party. We landed in […]
Every other year, a very generous couple hosts a blowout shindig at their house in suburban Chicago, called the Cellar Diminishment Party. They buy too much wine and need a little help in the consumption department. We are more than happy to oblige. I have been to the last […]
As the summer comes to an end, Floridians are hoping for a breath of cooler winter air. I assume we will be waiting another three months for that. Meanwhile, enjoy the bar-b-ques, get togethers and long weekend. This weekend in Key West is Brewfest, a beer-filled festival. I know what […]
On this day in 1997 (well, it was a Sunday, actually), FKGuy and I were married. It was a lovely, sunny South Florida day. Wait, scratch that. It was summer in South Florida and therefore rained. A lot. But the wedding was entirely indoors (it was August in Florida, I’m […]
As I was making the Mainland-to-Monroe drive on Friday, I was reveling in the lack of plans I had for the weekend. I had just finished telling FKGuy about how I was looking forward to free museum weekend and some quality time in the pool with a cool beverage in […]
I’m always a little leery of “vegetarian” places. I’ve been to several in other places where either they try too hard to be a “real” restaurant or they are just mediocre places to get tofu. Fortunately, The Cafe is neither. The Cafe offers mostly vegetarian fare, which basically means no […]
Friends of ours who live in Coral Gables are always trying to get us to go to their neighborhood for dinner. Usually, I weasel out of it and make them come someplace near us. But, last week after tennis (for FKGuy) and relaxing in The Biltmore pool (for me), we […]
It is that time of year again… Divers dust off the old gear (which they have hopefully tested) and race out to the waters surrounding the Florida Keys (and into the mainland) to catch Florida spiny lobsters. Why is it a mini season? Well, these two days are for recreational […]
So, you think living in paradise is all boating, fishing and sunning? Think again. Like home ownership everywhere, there can be certain issues: dealing with the historical society if you live in Old Town, hurricanes, and the one I did not count on, iguanas. I’ve named ours Iago.