Three years ago, on our first July 4th with Babka, we left her safely at home with some treats and the TV on while we went out to dinner and to see the fireworks. We went out. We came home. Babka was happy to see us, and she was not bothered […]
General craziness
My friend Lori was telling me about a kitchen gadget that she just loves: It is a sous vide immersion stick that goes into a pot or tub of water and turns it into a sous vide machine. It sounded fascinating, but when she told me I needed one, I […]
I love all things food television. From Top Chef to Masterchef and Chopped, any time someone is cooking on TV, I am likely watching. It all started years ago with Sara Moulton and Cooking Live, and while she was cooking she would take calls from viewers and answer questions. I loved […]
Next week we will be on an Alaskan cruise aboard the Celebrity Solstice and we will end our cruise in Seattle. I thought I’d share the story of the first time I was in Seattle. FKGuy and I recently had brunch with strangers, and while I was sure that was […]
I live in an environment where fishing tournaments happen all the time, yet I seem to have known nothing about them, until recently. Last week, FKGuy and I went to the kickoff party for the sailfish tournament, Quest for the Crest. In addition to the impressive array of seafood, it was also […]
I was sharing this story with some friends during one of the Passover Seders, and thought you might enjoy it, too. In December of 1993, we were in college, and FKGuy spent winter break in Florida with my family. He was meeting the family for the first time, yet was […]
Every holiday has its fair share of leftovers, but if my mother is cooking, you can bet there are enough leftovers to feed everyone a second, third and possibly fourth time. After a few days, however, I just can’t eat the same foods again. (Plus, these were not my leftovers.) […]
When we had a yard sale, around the time of a move a couple of years ago, I knew the key to success was twofold. 1. Sell stuff cheaper than you imagined, and 2. Don’t get attached to your stuff that you need to get rid of. In other words, […]
Two days post-Seder and I am still in a bit of a brisket-and-meatball-induced food coma. We were at my parents house, along with family and friends, and the festive Passover meals, including the retelling of the exodus from Egypt, was fantastic. *Disclaimer: I made exactly none of the foods talked […]
I want to take a moment to wish you all a Happy Passover, which starts this evening, and a Happy Easter (or, if you celebrate neither, Happy Weekend!) On Monday, I will post a full recap of both Seders. We will be at my parents’ house, along with a slew […]