Since we were going to Chicago for the Cellar Diminishment Party anyway, naturally I had a list of potential restaurant choices for the following night. We would only be in Chicago for two nights, so that left us with two lunches and one dinner, plus the party. We landed in […]
Travel tips
Every other year, a very generous couple hosts a blowout shindig at their house in suburban Chicago, called the Cellar Diminishment Party. They buy too much wine and need a little help in the consumption department. We are more than happy to oblige. I have been to the last […]
As the summer comes to an end, Floridians are hoping for a breath of cooler winter air. I assume we will be waiting another three months for that. Meanwhile, enjoy the bar-b-ques, get togethers and long weekend. This weekend in Key West is Brewfest, a beer-filled festival. I know what […]
This has been a week of inefficiencies. It is annoying, but it happens. I desperately needed a new cell phone so when Sprint came out with the Motorola Photon 4G, I jumped on it. It has all features a person could want, plus it is cool. I won’t get into […]
Who would think that something as inconsequential as hair gel would be a problem? Well, apparently it is. I use one of the most popular brands of hair care products on the market, Garnier Fructis. Why? They are really quite good. Plus, they are inexpensive. Win – win. Unless, of […]
As I was making the Mainland-to-Monroe drive on Friday, I was reveling in the lack of plans I had for the weekend. I had just finished telling FKGuy about how I was looking forward to free museum weekend and some quality time in the pool with a cool beverage in […]
In case you missed last week’s announcement, here it is again. with highlights. There is nothing better than free, right? Well, August 20 – 21, 2011 you can enjoy eleven local museums for one low price of zero. Yes, that means they are all FREE. What’s the catch? There is […]
Friends of ours who live in Coral Gables are always trying to get us to go to their neighborhood for dinner. Usually, I weasel out of it and make them come someplace near us. But, last week after tennis (for FKGuy) and relaxing in The Biltmore pool (for me), we […]
When people plan their vacations in Key West, it often involves a sunset cruise. After all, it is the postcard image of Key West, right? A beautiful sunset with a sailboat in the picture. So, last weekend, with guests in town, we took them on a sunset cruise. We chose […]
There is nothing better than free, right? Well, August 20 – 21, 2011 you can enjoy eleven local museums for one low price of zero. Yes, that means they are all FREE.