I like eating healthily as much as the next person, although you wouldn’t always know it from my current regimen of eating out. Hey, I’m busy. I’ve been moving, trying (and failing) to exercise more post knee surgery, working and generally running in ten directions at once. I know, I’m […]
Travel tips
We tend to think that when season ends and the snowbirds return to the north that the fun stops in Key West. Well, the snowbirds think that, anyway. The summer in Key West is hot, sometimes rainy and fun-filled.
Imagine yourself on a hot and humid day, just aching to swim in a nice, cool pool. Sure, you could go to the beach, but then you would get all sandy and need to pack a picnic lunch to bring along. It requires a little forward thinking, or at least a trip […]
Airlines have made flying unpleasant. From the climbing ticket prices to the nickel-and-diming (Spirit is charging for carry-on luggage now), it all just makes you want to jump into your car and drive. I often have clients ask if a particular airline is “good”. Here is what I tell them: Any […]
I love getting feedback from readers (even when I’m told I have no idea what I am talking about.) I have received a few emails recently that I’d like to share with you. If you have a question or comment that you want answered in a future mailbag, please email […]
Tennis is the only sport I really love. I am working on “loving” running, but so far, I find it kind of torturous, even though I have done two half marathons and after my knee surgery (coming up on April 21 – you can read about it then) I will […]
When my friends told me about Orchid Key Bar, in the Orchid Key Hotel, I was stunned. A hotel bar? That locals frequent? Are you kidding? Apparently not. From the street you would never even know it exists. Tucked away, through the parking lot and next to the pool is […]
I could also title this Why I Like Underwear. I am not a curmudgeon, a prude or a stick in the mud. I like to have fun as much as anybody. Really, I write a travel blog – that means I travel. A lot. For fun. That being said, let […]
The Utah wine crowd is a fun one. I know, you wouldn’t think it, but it is true. We get together for some sort of wine dinner every time we are in town, which is sadly limited to once a year. This year’s festivities took place upstairs in a private […]
I am leaving my comfort zone (flat, warm, sunny Florida) and heading to Utah to ski at Deer Valley (freeze my butt off in excessive amounts of clothing) for a week. I am trading flip flops for my new and awesome ski boots. I am pushing my poor knee to […]