I had an interesting weekend, which seemed to encompass the entire life cycle in two short days. (Cue Baby Simba being presented to the entire animal kingdom here.) We started in Key West on Saturday morning, after driving down a slew of IKEA cabinets from the mainland on Friday. Following […]
I often have clients that want more than the “standard” cruise experience. They want it all: superior service, excellent food and no bill at the end of the cruise. Impossible? Not anymore. There are many all-inclusive (or “more-inclusive” as I call them) cruise lines than ever that deliver a wonderful […]
I don’t need much of an excuse to throw a party, so when I heard that Paul and Stefania Romero, the folks behind Stefania winery in Santa Cruz, were coming to town that was about all the reasoning I needed. The wine geeks came in droves – 21 people in […]
I’ve said it before: There is nothing more fun that a mile long wine tasting. Seriously, what could be better than that? Two miles? That might be a bit excessive. Saturday evening was Duval Uncorked, the annual stroll down (or up, depending on where you start) Duval Street, wine glass […]
After a lovely stroll through the Truman Annex, we arrived at Truman’s Little White House to be greeted by Bess and Harry look-a-likes. I found them to be a little creepy, but it was a nice touch. The lawn was covered in a big tent and winery people and distributors […]
Day two of the annual Key West Food and Wine Festival (KWFWF) brought more fun. I went to the Boisset Family Blending Seminar in the afternoon, which was different from most wine seminars I have been to in the past in one main way: it was terrific. Wine seminars are […]
This weekend marks the second annual Key West Food and Wine Festival. It is a weekend of festivities and fun and draws a crowd from all over. We kicked off the weekend at the Barefoot Beach Party, followed by the Petronia neighborhood stroll. The weather was a perfect 65 degrees […]
Last week, in the post-marathon madness (read: soreness) I had the opportunity to tour the brand new Disney cruise ship, the Dream. To say it was incredible is kind of an understatement. This is not the biggest cruise ship in existence, although it does hold 4,000 passengers. But for a […]
Long considered amateur night, I can’t remember the last time I went out on New Years Eve. The thought of being on the street with thousands of people to watch a drag queen lowered in a shoe (although I am a bit jealous of her abs), a pirate wench lowered […]
After our epic failure at Ambrosia, we headed over to The Upper Deck at Louie’s Backyard. The Upper Deck is upstairs (duh) and serves tapas-style food and a good selection of wines by the glass. As it was after 9PM, and they close at 10PM, we arrived to a nearly […]