Sunday night brought one of the most loved parties of the year in Key West: Azur’s annual End Of Season Closing Party. They will only be closed until the beginning of October, but that is no reason not to have a party. Plus, they need to use all of the […]
As part of a 3 Loud Women lunch meeting this week, we headed to Giorgio’s Bakery to get some sustenance to carry us through our meeting and subsequent conference call. I hadn’t been there in quite a while, so I was looking forward to it.
The difference between “dinner” and a “wine dinner” is often the company. When the wine geeks are around, even in small numbers, a plain old dinner suddenly becomes an event. We often have wine with dinner, but we always have lots of wine with the wine geeks. On Wednesday we […]
There are really not that many good restaurants in Fort Lauderdale (There. I said it.) One of the most consistent ones is Thai Spice. If the opportunity presents itself, I may get to sneak in a civilized lunch with FKGuy once in a while, and we generally go there.
Normally, I review one restaurant or meal at a time. This past weekend, however, deserves a recap of its own. Since my cousin was coming to town and we have many of the same interests, mainly revolving around eating, drinking and a love-hate relationship with running, I planned the eating […]
Captain’s Tavern is older than I am. It was founded in 1971 and I’m pretty sure the decor has not been updated since then. Inside it is dark and dreary, although service tends to be friendly. Fortunately, the carpet is not the star of the show here, the fish […]
Boondocks is one of those places I always drive by, but don’t stop at because it is generally inconvenient to where I am going: Key West. Located at Mile Marker 27.5, it is generally further than I am willing to go when there is an event there, or I am […]
Image by Getty Images via @daylife It is my favorite holiday. Why? Really great food with no religious stuff to get in the way of eating (like fasting, for example, that clearly gets in the way of eating.) There is also the Macy’s parade, which although I always say I […]
Imagine my delight when I read a new pizza joint opened in town. Imagine my further delight to realize that it is open until 4AM. Actually, I don’t really care about that, I much prefer to be sleeping at 4AM than eating pizza. Enter Bobalu’s, which was recently opened by […]
This post started as a restaurant review of one specific place. It turned into a rant about lettuce, so I will save the review for next time and save this one for something very important – salad. That big plate of greens usually served at the beginning part of a […]