Yes, I know what you are thinking: Rules? What rules? There are no stinkin’ rules at Fantasy Fest! That’s what makes it so much, er, fun! Well, there are some actual law-type rules, which mainly get ignored. But I am talking more about the common sense type stuff here. I […]
Travel tips
One of the great qualities about the people of Key West as a whole, is that they can create an organic event seemingly out of thin air. This is the case of the Zombie Bike Ride. It started a couple of years ago with a group of people dressed as […]
The other night, as we were walking into Azur, two women wandered around the corner and asked if the restaurant was good. (If you have been here before, you know that it is one of my favorites.) She then said they wanted seafood and should they go all the way […]
The first time we went to Chicago for a Cellar Diminishment Party was in 2007. At that time we were going to a party hosted by some fellow wine geeks, in their home, and we had never met them in person. Now, we go to Chicago every other year for […]
I will say, for the record, I was content just having some deep dish pizza for lunch and skipping over breakfast entirely. My new cousin-in-law, not so much. (“OK, so we are going for pizza in the afternoon, but what are we doing for breakfast?“) This was on the heels […]
As we awoke Friday morning, I asked FKGuy if we really had become the people that obviously overstay our welcome. He agreed that we had, but it wasn’t too big of a deal (fortunately we had gracious hosts). He also noted that due to the overstay we had not eaten […]
I’m sure there are people that go to Chicago to do things other than eat and drink, but I don’t happen to know any of them. When we booked our trip, I let my new-to-Chicago cousin know we were coming and she immediately went to work on our dining itinerary.
This weekend we are headed to Chicago, for the every-other-year Cellar Diminishment Party. As always, we are looking forward to seeing old friends, making new ones, and drinking some good wines. Naturally, the trip must include some Chicago deep dish pizza.
This past weekend we had friends visit Key West for the first time, other than on a cruise ship. They wanted to see and do everything, and I was exhausted just thinking about it all. We started with the highlights, and naturally, there was a lot of eating going on.
Now that we have covered the Superhero cocktails, it is time to talk about the other side of the coin, the Villains. There are so many good ones to choose from (and still I have no costume ideas…) and so many good drinks to go along with them. Once again, […]