Friends of ours who live in Coral Gables are always trying to get us to go to their neighborhood for dinner. Usually, I weasel out of it and make them come someplace near us. But, last week after tennis (for FKGuy) and relaxing in The Biltmore pool (for me), we […]
We decided to give Fin another try over the weekend as (a) it was my mother’s birthday and nothing says birthday better than fancy food and (b) most recently the owners have told me that the portions have been increased and we should really try it again. So we did, […]
When we communicate with others, either in person or electronically, there are numerous opportunities for miscommunication. Sometimes it is simply a matter of a person not knowing what they want. I often have clients tell me they want to go on a fancy vacation. When I quote them a price, […]
Today is Florida Keys Guy’s birthday. I got him a shirt from Lululemon, which he loves, and I will be making dinner for just a few people in honor of the occasion. Birthday boy has requested one of his favorite pasta dishes, so that is what we will have. Cacio […]
I almost always miss subtlety. I often even miss hints that are not too subtle. For the second time in two weeks I found myself leaving a restaurant a little too late. Last time, it was at Il Mercato and they were cleaning the floors around us. This time it […]
For me the skiing is all about one thing. Powder? Nope. Lovely groomed trails? Well, sometimes. Lunch? All the time. I have now worked into each Deer Valley trip a lunch at the new-last-year JG Grill. As is Jean Georges. Yes, that Jean Georges. I ski there from the Deer […]
I watch Top Chef all the time. Every season. Every incarnation – All Stars, Just Desserts, Masters. I also watch the Food Network and Travel Channel for cooking and eating shows. One thing I have noticed of late is everyone’s obsession with the whoopie pie. I can’t even tell you […]
Blue Heaven is one of those place that has an eternally long line. You can wait an hour an a half just to sit down on a Sunday morning. Fortunately, just across the street is Le Creperie. Yolande Findlay used to have a little crepe place right on Duval street. […]
We make our way up to the dessert room at Bern’s. To call it a room is a bit of a misnomer. In fact, it is a big space with many individual wooden-enclosed booths, complete with doors. Weird is an understatement. It is, however, unique.
The birthday party at a roller rink: Disco ball, skates with orange rubber stoppers, carpeted walls, freshly made donuts and fried Milky Way bars on a stick. It conjures an image of a pre-teen party. This was, in fact, the party that my friend Cori had when she was 10, […]