My friends have raved about the Sunday brunch at Martin’s for quite a while, so this weekend we decided to give it a try. We arrived around noon and were seated in the back patio. There are a few seating choices: indoors in the dining room, out front watching […]
“It’s a great QPR” is often a term bandied about by wine geeks in search of something to have with a mid-week pizza. But I think it applies to just about everything in life. QPR stands for quality price ratio. So, let’s say you drink a crappy bottle of wine, […]
It has been a good week for ship tours. Over the weekend (which seemed very early after Jack’s birthday dinner) I had the opportunity to tour the Norwegian Dawn. NCL is known for “Freestyle” cruising, which means you can eat whenever you want and with whom you choose. There are […]
This weekend we were invited to our friend’s house for his birthday. As he is a wine geek, too, there were bound to be some good selections. Of course we RSVP’d that we would be coming, and as they live an hour away, we would also be staying over. (I know […]
So there I was, driving northbound along the Overseas Highway when we decided to stop for lunch. Having done some research (OK, I Googled “Dog friendly restaurants in Key Largo” while my mom was driving) we settled on lunch at Snappers. Turns out, they only allow dogs in one […]
It is a rare occurrence that I find myself in New York City with no plans. Normally I am scheduled all day and night, looking to squeeze in additions (Grom, anyone? How about a jaunt to H&M? I missed out on both this trip). But earlier this week, I was […]
Key West is an outdoorsy kind of place. Between the fishing, outdoor dining, beaches and more, Key West is known for the year round sunshine. So, what do you do if your one week of vacation happens when we are having a great downpour that lasts for five days straight? […]
On The Road with Florida Keys Girl is a new video series showcasing various people and places. Today’s feature is Aspen, Colorado. The Innsbruck in Aspen is a beautiful property. Each unit features a full kitchen (ours was complete with granite counter tops and slate floors), a steam shower, a […]
I normally ride around Key West on my very inexpensive cruiser bike, which is a little too small for me, has coaster brakes and no gears. It is my kind of bike. I lock it all the time, as it could be gone in a minute otherwise. Naturally I […]
I interrupt my vacation recap of eating, drinking, hiking and biking for a little public service announcement. September is the month restaurants dread most, as there are few tourists and the island is generally quiet. So this is the time of year when many restaurants close for vacation. Before you […]