Since the season premier of Top Chef: DC, I have been underwhelmed by both the talent and the contestants. They are an unlikable bunch, save for one or two. I have been rooting for Andrea to go home since she showed up on my TV screen a few weeks ago. […]
The birthday party at a roller rink: Disco ball, skates with orange rubber stoppers, carpeted walls, freshly made donuts and fried Milky Way bars on a stick. It conjures an image of a pre-teen party. This was, in fact, the party that my friend Cori had when she was 10, […]
The People’s Theater of Key West is a local community theater group, which includes The Improvables, an improv group. They have performed the last two weekends at The Bottlecap and will be appearing once again this weekend. For the show, the group is divided into two teams with a referee […]
The overseas highway, the stretch of US1 from Key Largo to Key West is one of the most beautiful stretches of road in the country. Most of the 106 miles is one lane in each direction. Views of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean stretch as far as […]
The motto of Key West is “One Human Family” which generally means that people should be nice to each other. More often than not, they are (unlike the rest of South Florida). Aside from generally being nice, Key Westers tend to not take things too seriously. Consider these signs seen […]
Just recently I was debating the virtues of social media, and Foursquare in particular with a lawyer I know. “But people can stalk you,” she says to me. “I don’t put every single place I go out there, nor do I put my home address or those of my clients,” […]
July 4th means a lot of things to people: patriotism, BBQs, fireworks and finding the best spot on the beach to watch the festivities. My grand plan involved a dinner reservation at Salute, in time to enjoy a leisurely dinner and then watch the fireworks. The entire plan hinged on […]
Very few things surprise me. Every once in a while someone does something so egregious that it is shocking, but more often than not, things are just funny (like the woman who wore three not-s0-strategically placed drug store bows to Fantasy Fest). That was it. Three bows and some thigh […]
This, and other pearls of wisdom, like “don’t cut your toenails while drunk”, were interspersed with the music last night at the Green Parrot. Part of the Key West Songwriters Festival going on this weekend, Robert Earl Keen performed to a full house, and a large crowd gathered outside on […]
Life is simply too short to not enjoy yourself. Certain things we do because we must: grocery shopping, laundry, work. Other things we do for fun: bowling, sporting events and concerts. Last weekend was the opening show for Jimmy Buffett’s Under the Big Top Tour, and it was great fun. […]