I tend to like small, owner-operated restaurants. I am not typically a fan of chains (except maybe Chipotle for a quick lunch in a pinch). So, when my parents made a reservation at Sea Grill for their anniversary, I was expecting a small, intimate restaurant. I was wrong.
Last night we had dinner at our house, which is not too unusual. Several wine geek friends came over, along with a new friend in from Saginaw, Michigan (and yes, I did have Simon and Garfunkel’s “America” in my head for a week… “It took me four days to hitchhike […]
I have to admit when I go to restaurants owned by “celebrity chefs” I am usually a little skeptical. There is a lot of hype, and it is supposed to be good, but will it? The “celebrity chef” is not usually in the kitchen, so it is a matter of how […]
The onset of winter in most places brings dread, cold, dreariness and snow. Not so in Florida. The onset of winter is also the beginning of festivals, happenings and events for months to come. You know how I love the Key West Food and Wine Festival, and there will be […]
After our superb dinner at Osteria Morini in New York, I left knowing I needed to figure out how to make that sformato. It was a ramekin full of creamy goodness, all topped with mushrooms. Although I didn’t actually lick the bowl, I did tear off little pieces of bread, […]
We arrived in New York for a very short visit last Friday, and promptly had dinner with friends, my cousin and soon to be cousin-in-law (Is that even a thing? I think I’ll just keep him in the friend category) at our home on the Upper West Side. Naturally, by […]
People go to Bern’s for one of two reasons: The food or the wine. While the food is good, we went for the wine. A friend was celebrating his 50th birthday, and was looking forward to celebrating with interesting older wines. Naturally, we were there to help.
The latest restaurant from the folks that own the Hogfish Bar and Grill and the restaurant at Geiger Key Marina is Roostica, on Stock Island. Roostica feels like an Italian trattoria with it’s casual atmosphere, simple menu and good food.
Sunday night brought one of the most loved parties of the year in Key West: Azur’s annual End Of Season Closing Party. They will only be closed until the beginning of October, but that is no reason not to have a party. Plus, they need to use all of the […]
The difference between “dinner” and a “wine dinner” is often the company. When the wine geeks are around, even in small numbers, a plain old dinner suddenly becomes an event. We often have wine with dinner, but we always have lots of wine with the wine geeks. On Wednesday we […]