Living in Key West there are constant reminders that AIDS is still taking lives – there are fundraisers all the time. In other parts of the country, especially those parts with a smaller gay population, fundraisers and awareness are not so prevalent. Each year for the past six years, hundreds […]
key west
Every tourist town has one – the ubiquitous “city tour”. In Key West that tour is the Conch Train. Having guests in town that are not able to walk everywhere made this a perfect choice for Christmas Day. The Conch Train is an hour and a half tour of Old […]
Baby’s Coffee is an unassuming storefront at about Mile Marker 15. It is, however, a treasure trove. They have about six different kinds of coffee brewed – different roasts, hazelnut coffee and even a “Cajun” blend, with chicory. A small coffee is a bargain at 93 cents. Th.ey also have […]
In the space that formerly housed Alice’s restaurant, now stands The Keys piano bar. People in the crowd get up and sing, the waiter gets up to sing, patrons sing along with the piano player. Of course, in typical Key West fashion, a song was introduced with this opening line: […]
Salute! on the beach has one of the best restaurant settings anywhere. It is located in Key West on Higgs beach, with a small path separating the restaurant from the sand, volleyball net and water. I suppose technically it is on the Atlantic side, but it is at about the […]
I am usually somewhere at the back of the line when it comes to things like adopting new technology, except for my new cell phone – the HTC Hero – which rocks. I have even personalized it with a picture of Key West Bight as my background. I got on […]
Key west is great. People there will throw a parade for just about anything. From Fantasy Fest nuttiness to the holiday season they have it covered. This year was the first time we have seen the Christmas parade. It was filled with abut 60 floats (one of which was the […]
For a while now I have been complaining, rather loudly, to all around me, about the lack of really good ice cream in Key West. Sure there is Haagen Dazs, which is OK, but boooooooooooring. There is Flamingo Crossing, on Duval and Virginia streets, which has serviceable ice cream in […]
One day I will make it to the Grand Cafe on Duval for dinner. In the meantime, I have been there for lunch a couple of times and it is quite pleasant, if unremarkable. The food is good, the service is good, the menu is a tad on the boring […]
It was a chilly Saturday evening that we decided to dine at Cafe Solé, located at 1029 Southard Street in Key West. Fortunately they are well prepared with heaters, so it was quite comfortable in the garden. You realize, though, that “chilly” to this native Floridian means anywhere from 68 […]