The Utah wine crowd is a fun one. I know, you wouldn’t think it, but it is true. We get together for some sort of wine dinner every time we are in town, which is sadly limited to once a year. This year’s festivities took place upstairs in a private […]
For me the skiing is all about one thing. Powder? Nope. Lovely groomed trails? Well, sometimes. Lunch? All the time. I have now worked into each Deer Valley trip a lunch at the new-last-year JG Grill. As is Jean Georges. Yes, that Jean Georges. I ski there from the Deer […]
Ski-fest 2011 is over. In my case, maybe it could be called sit-around-in-ski-boots-fest. I did not do an incredible amount of skiing over the course of my five available ski days. I was pretty gung-ho, given what good shape I am in from all this running. The one flaw in […]
I am leaving my comfort zone (flat, warm, sunny Florida) and heading to Utah to ski at Deer Valley (freeze my butt off in excessive amounts of clothing) for a week. I am trading flip flops for my new and awesome ski boots. I am pushing my poor knee to […]
I don’t need much of an excuse to throw a party, so when I heard that Paul and Stefania Romero, the folks behind Stefania winery in Santa Cruz, were coming to town that was about all the reasoning I needed. The wine geeks came in droves – 21 people in […]
Tucked into an unassuming strip mall in Pompano Beach is Cafe La Buca, a tiny, 4 table Italian restaurant. It is a really tacky room with bad lighting. They have no liquor license, so it is strictly BYO here, a feature that I appreciate. They also have no menu, rather […]
I’ve said it before: There is nothing more fun that a mile long wine tasting. Seriously, what could be better than that? Two miles? That might be a bit excessive. Saturday evening was Duval Uncorked, the annual stroll down (or up, depending on where you start) Duval Street, wine glass […]
After a lovely stroll through the Truman Annex, we arrived at Truman’s Little White House to be greeted by Bess and Harry look-a-likes. I found them to be a little creepy, but it was a nice touch. The lawn was covered in a big tent and winery people and distributors […]
Day two of the annual Key West Food and Wine Festival (KWFWF) brought more fun. I went to the Boisset Family Blending Seminar in the afternoon, which was different from most wine seminars I have been to in the past in one main way: it was terrific. Wine seminars are […]
This weekend marks the second annual Key West Food and Wine Festival. It is a weekend of festivities and fun and draws a crowd from all over. We kicked off the weekend at the Barefoot Beach Party, followed by the Petronia neighborhood stroll. The weather was a perfect 65 degrees […]